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Sample SMS Reminders

login to your account weekly once and set reminder for next one week or one month or even next 10 years.
You may be on different agenda for a particular day when your kids vaccination is due, or your Mom's birthday. Imagine..., Your Mom forget her own birthday, but you say "happy birthday" in the morning, How beautiful it is.
Similarly, your spouse remembers his/her birthday, and you forgot it due to busy schedule, Recall... what happen last time?

Child Health Related Reminders

SMS Vaccination Reminder Sample

Child Deworming Cycle Reminder on SMS

Pill Reminders

Personal Convenience

Personal SMS Reminders

Friends and Family Reminders

Collaborative SMS Reminder

Car/Bike Maintenance Related Reminders

Warranty Reminders on SMS

Payment Reminders

Insurance Reminders

Investment SMS Reminders

Licence Renewal SMS

Loan SMS Reminders

Online Reminder SMS

Utility Reminder

Appointment Reminder - Once

Repeated Appointment Reminder

Fee Reminder

Invitation Reminder

Common Announcements from Schools & Organizations as Reminder SMS


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